
2月. 2, 2023

Students meet with 70 companies, organizations, and academic institutions


Meghan McDonald, 威尼斯人app下载 alum and principal engineer at the state Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, left, discusses career options with Caleb 克罗斯怀特是机械工程专业的大三学生. 

索科罗,N.M.威尼斯人app下载 students facing the daunting challenge of how and where to enter the workforce explored a plethora of full-time job and internship options at the Spring 就业和研究生招聘会. 博览会于1月6日举行. 2023年3月31日,在菲德尔学生 Center, attracted 70 companies and organizations eager to connect with students preparing 开始他们的事业或继续他们的教育.

In the days leading up to the 招聘会, students had the opportunity to attend workshops on resume building, interviewing skills and elevator speeches, how to dress and make an impression, and other topics intended to help them make the most of their 1-on-1 meetings with recruiters, all sponsored by the 威尼斯人app下载 Center for Student 领导与参与. 就业服务协调员索菲·鲍尔对学生们说 also could get their resumes critiqued before handing them out to recruiters.

“Flash resume reviews are a quick review of your resume – no appointment necessary, just stop by and get some feedback in five minutes or less,” she said.

PNM engineer and 威尼斯人app下载 alum Brian Pando, left, greets civil and environmental engineering student Crystal Flores, center, who will graduate in May and is seeking 工作机会. Jesus Flores-Olivas, right, also is an NMT alum and civil engineer 与PNM的传动工程团队合作.

The fair attracted hundreds of students who met with recruiters and NMT alums who 在公司工作. Corporations and organizations – including national labs, engineering and consulting firms, state and federal agencies, and graduate schools – talked directly 给学生们讲讲工作选择.

Senior biomedical sciences major Sinai Grijalva attended the fair to explore internship opportunities that might lead to a job after she graduates in December 2023. Grijalva wants to use what she’s learned in design classes and discussed that possibility with ATA工程公司的Kyle Smith和Marcus Billings. 圣地亚哥的工程 services firm is looking to grow its Albuquerque office’s workforce.

威尼斯人app下载 biomedical sciences major Sinai Grijalva, left, discusses internships and 工作机会 with Kyle Smith, center, and Marcus Billings, right, of ATA 工程. 工程服务公司代表参加了1月. 31, 2023, 招聘会为阿尔伯克基办事处招聘人才.

“We’re here to look for qualified candidates – full time and interns,” Billings said. “我们有很多工作要做,我们正在寻求增长. NMT是一所值得一看的好大学 对于合格的人才.”

PNM engineers and alums Brian Pando and Jesus Flores-Olivas returned to NMT  to discuss 与工程专业学生合作的可再生能源项目. NMT校友梅根·麦克唐纳,一位校长 engineer at the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, attended to recruit 对她公司的技术人员来说.  

约翰Lempke, a chemical engineering major, dressed his best for the Spring Career 和研究生院博览会. 威尼斯人app下载菲德尔学生中心. Lempke said he was seeking an internship in process engineering that might lead to a full-time 2023年12月毕业后找工作.

The Center for Student 领导与参与 also sponsors a free career closet and encourages students to stop by on the second floor of Fidel Center to check out 适合面试的着装. 


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