负责任的 & 研究的伦理行为



Any principal investigator (PI), co-principal investigator and any other person (including faculty, staff and students) who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting 威尼斯人app下载(NMT)的研究.


  • 花旗计划培训课程
  • 点击“注册” 
  • Under "Select Your Organization Affiliation" type in "New Mexico Consortium"
  • 同意服务条款和隐私政策
  • Click to the box to affirm that you are an affiliate of New Mexico Consortium
  • 点击“继续创建您的花旗计划用户名/密码”
  • Once you have created an account, you can view the courses offered through the New 墨西哥联盟点击"新墨西哥联盟学习工具".
  • 选择并完成你需要的课程 本页底部提供的列表.
  • 一旦你完成了课程,请确保你 保存 你的培训证书.
  • 将所有完成的培训证书发送至 瓦莱丽.thomas@salamzone.com



NMT is committed to providing appropriate training in the responsible and ethical conduct of 研究 to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NSF基金.


适用于所有人 日期或日期之后提交或到期的提案 2023年7月31日.

NSF负责 & 研究伦理行为:培训
NSF负责 & 研究伦理行为:COI
NSF负责 & 研究的伦理行为:指导
NSF负责 & 研究伦理行为:推荐培训


NMT is committed to providing information on appropriate training in the responsible conduct of 研究 to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by 美国国立卫生研究院的资金. 

All 国家卫生研究院 intramural 研究ers are required to participate in the following
All 国家卫生研究院 intramural trainees are required to take at least 8 hours of RCR instruction (第一年6小时),包括


NMT is committed to providing information on appropriate training in the responsible conduct of 研究 to faculty and other senior personnel who will be supported by NIFA基金. 

谁需要COI培训 & 信息披露?

Any principal investigator (PI), co-principal investigator and any other person (including faculty, staff and students) who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting 威尼斯人app下载(NMT)的研究.

In compliance with federal mandates the conflict of interest disclosure requirements 适用于从事以下工作的所有调查人员:

  1. 赞助的NMT研究 
  2. 非赞助的NMT研究,即:
    1. 人体受试者研究
    2. 脊椎动物课题研究
    3. 研究 funded by a formal award from internal NMT sources based on submission of 一个提议



The principal investigator (PI), the co-principal investigator and any other person (包括教职员工和学生) 谁负责NMT研究的设计、实施或报告. 任何个人 responsible for a task that could have a significant effect on the 研究 design, conduct or reporting is considered to be an investigator, even if the individual does 对任务或研究不负有唯一或主要责任.


For further details and specific disclosure requirements for 利益冲突t

联系人: 希拉·奥沙利文 coi@salamzone.com

或访问: 利益冲突t页面


NMT负责任研究行为(RCR)课程: 您需要为您的角色选择“NMT”课程:

  • NMT学生/博士后
  • NMTπ

出口管制课程: 您需要为您的角色选择“NMT”课程:

  • NMTπ
  • NMT管理员

NMT利益冲突课程: 您需要为您的角色选择“NMT”课程:

  • NMTπ
  • NMT管理员

NMT人文学科研究课程: 您需要为您的角色选择“NMT”课程:

  •  NMTπ
  •  NMT社会行为教育研究者
  •  NMT学生/博士后
  •  NMT IRB成员


生物安全课程: 您需要为您的角色选择“NMT”课程:

  • NMTπ
  • NMT的学生 & 拆弹专家
  • NMT IACUC社区成员
  •  NMT IO

For further details, additional resources, or updated requirements for RECR/RCR training 联系人:

研究合规官: 瓦尔·托马斯—— 瓦莱丽.thomas@salamzone.com